Feeding during a testosterone cycle

Maintaining Gains After a Testosterone Cycle
5 November 2014


Following a testosterone cycle is usually not enough to develop muscle mass in a consistent and sustainable way.

To optimise your mass gain, you should undertake a regular and rigorous training along with your treatment, as well as an adequate diet. Without neglecting, of course, the recovery phase, which is essential for the reconstruction of the muscle.

As you must have understood, your testosterone cycle must be performed fundamentally under rigorous hygiene conditions.

Regarding the diet, before providing you some daily programs, we will reveal the basic concepts of an effective diet for mass gains or successful dry mass gains. Then, we will see the food to eat during your treatment so you can create your own food programs for every category.



The basics of the diet during a testosterone cycle:

If you perform a testosterone cycle, your goal will be to develop your volume, strength or muscle mass.

The following rules apply for all objectives. Later on, we will see that the number of calories will distinguish a mass gain from a dry mass gain.

1st rule: increase the amount of calories

To build your muscle mass, you will need to carry more nutrients to your body than the same need. Therefore, your daily calories intake will increase.

For a weight gain, your daily energy intake should be between 3,000 and 4,000 calories.

For a gain of dry mass, consider an intake of about 2,500 calories a day.

2nd rule: Eat more often

During your cycle, it is important to split these intakes throughout the day. The ideal is to have 6 meals/snacks a day to eat well every three hours. For example, you can have 3 solid meals and 3 snacks of protein powders or gainers.

3rd rule: prioritise carbohydrates

Carbohydrates play a vital role in muscle building since they will give you the energy you need for your workouts and will stimulate protein synthesis.  

It is recommended to take 4g of carbohydrates/kg. If your weight still stagnates during your cycle, increase carbohydrates to 6g/kg.

4th rule: prioritise proteins

As we all know, proteins are the essential materials for building muscles.

For a good mass gain, get 2 to 3g of protein/kg a day.

5th rule: take gainers


Gainers will help you to obtain a consistent and balanced intake of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. This supplementation will promote a faster weight gain.


Foods that must be prioritised during your cycle :


They will help regenerate the muscle cells and stimulate the formation of muscle tissue. You will find proteins in the following foods:

  • White meat: turkey, chicken, beef. 100g of white meat contain between 20 and 25g of protein.
  • Lean red meats: beef, game meat, horse. Red meat is rich in iron and creatine. 100g of red meat provide 20g of protein.
  • Whitefish: cod, bar, hake, brotola (Urophycis cirrata). They are low in fat. 100g of whitefish contain 18g of protein.
  • Fatty fish: mackerel, salmon, tuna, halibut. Fatty fish are interesting because of their omega3 intake. Remember that Omega3 stimulates insulin sensitivity, thus promoting the transport of carbohydrates and proteins to muscle tissue.  
  • Eggs: 1 egg provides between 6 and 8g of protein. Its white was widely used before the arrival of whey protein due to its intake of albumin, thus facilitating the assimilation of proteins.
  • Vegetable proteins: you will find them in oilseeds such as almonds and nuts, also in legumes such as chickpeas and lentils.


It is important to prefer foods with a low glycaemic index to limit fat storage.

  • Food rich in starch: oats, sweet potatoes, whole rice and basmati, quinoa.

Accompany with starchy fruits and vegetables to provide the fibre needed for good digestion.


Fats should never be excluded from your diet. The secret is to choose the good fats, such as olive oil, walnut oil or sesame oil.


In order to provide you with maximum calories (proteins + carbohydrates + lipids) to develop your muscle mass, you will have the choice between:

  • Gainers adapted for dry mass gain. They will provide 40% more protein.
  • Gainers rich in carbohydrates for a gain of mass with 30% protein, 60/70% carbohydrates and the rest, lipids.

Supplements for recovery:

Supplements made from BCAA, creatine and carbohydrates will help you recover better and, therefore, promote muscle building.



The role of your testosterone cycle:

Testosterone is an ANABOLISING steroid.

It will allow your muscles to synthesize the essential metabolites (proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids…) from the elements provided by your diet and various food supplements.

Your testosterone cycle will then promote the development of new tissues, as well as the growth of your muscles.

Remember that steroids promote anabolism by creating a positive nitrogen balance in your muscles. If your diet is so important, you should take advantage of this anabolism to provide your body with what it is needed to renew its muscle tissue and, therefore, acquire the mass it desires.


Example of food programs

For a voluminous mass gain:

Here is an example of a typical day with 4,000 calories: 

- oatmeal: 120g
- milk: 25cl + cacao: 10g
- ham or other meat (100g) + protein powder (20g)
- 1 banana
- fish oil: 10g
Morning snack
- nuts (almonds, walnuts, etc.): 50g
- oatmeal: 40g
- protein powder: 20g
- crudités: one small plate
- olive oil: 15g
- quinoa: 120g
- meat or fish: 100g
- vegetables: one plate
- 1 apple
- dark chocolate: 10g
Afternoon snack (1 hour before workout)
- oatmeal or oat or barley powder: 60g
- protein powder: 20g
During workout:
- 60g of high glycemic index carbohydrates + BCAA
Post-workout (immediately after) :
- 30g whey protein + BCAA
1/2 to 1 hour after lifting: dinner:
- basmati rice: 120g
- 4 eggs
- vegetables: one plate
- olive oil: 15 g
Before bed:
- fromage blanc : 300g

For an increase in dry muscle mass

Here is an example of a typical day with 2,500 calories:

diet for dry mass gains
- oatmeal 60g
- milk: 15cl + cacao: 5g
- fat-free fromage blanc (250gr) + protein powder (20g)
- 1 orange
- omega 3 capsules
Morning snack:
- nuts (almonds, walnuts, etc.): 30g
- protein powder: 20g
- crudités: one small plate
- olive oil: 10g
- quinoa: 50g
- meat or fish: 100g
- vegetables: one plate
- 1 apple
Afternoon snack (1 hour before workout):
- oatmeal or oat or barley powder: 40g
- protein powder: 20g
During workout:
- 40g of high glycemic index carbohydrates + 5g BCAA
Post-workout (immediately after):
- 30g whey protein + 5g BCAA
30min to 1 hour later: dinner:
- basmati rice: 60g
- 3 eggs
- vegetables: one plate
- olive oil: 10g
- dark chocolate: 10g
Before bed:
- fromage blanc: 150g

And to show you that these diets are not that restrictive, here is a good example both for the gain of dry mass and for the mass gain in volume.

You just have to adjust the quantities.




EXEMPLE JOUR 1Plan à 4000 kcal
masse volumineuse
Plan à 2400 kcal
masse sèche
Petit Déjeuner
Blancs œufs86
Thé à la menthe (sans sucre)48 cl36 cl
Miel3 cuillères à soupe2 cuillères à soupe
Fromage blanc 0 %300 g225 g
Pain / galette100 g75 g
Lait écrémé48 cl36 cl
Tajine d'agneau au fenouil21 ½
Épaule d'agneau, désossée300 g225 g
Fenouils180 g135 g
Oignons + ail100 g75 g
Carottes50 g40 g
Tomates en conserve120 g100 g
Olives noires1410
Raisins secs14 g10 g
Huile d'olive13 ml10 ml
Bouillon de bœuf175 ml140 ml
Cumin en poudre2 pincées1 ½ pincée
Poudre de cari/curry2 pincées1 ½ pincée
Épice pour couscous (ras-el-hanout)2 pincées1 ½ pincée
Feuilles de laurier11
Coriandre fraîche1510
Semoule100 g75 g
Citron pressé en jus1 cuillère soupe1 cuillère soupe
Fromage blanc allégé125 g100 g
Café sans sucre48 cl36 cl
Shake de protéine2 mesures1 mesure ½
Environ 250-300 calories et 35-42 g de protéines par ration.
Poulet marocain d'Erfoud21 ½
Oignons50 g40 g
Pommes de terre200 g150 g
Carottes100 g75 g
Morceau citron25 g20 g
Bouillon de poulet175 ml150 ml
Cuisses de poulet, sans peau375 g300 g
Épices, piments rouges, ail, sel, poivreSelon votre goût
Olives noires127
Semoule100 g75 g
Fromage blanc allégé125 g100 g
EXEMPLE JOUR 2Plan à 4000 kcal
masse volumineuse
Plan à 2400 kcal
masse sèche
Petit Déjeuner
Raïb allégé protéiné21 ½
Lait demi-écrémé100 cl75 cl
Yaourt vanille 0 %200 g150 g
Sucre55 g45 g
Fleur d'oranger3 cuillères à café1 cuillère à soupe
Whey protéine2 mesures1 mesure ½
Café sans sucre45 cl36 cl
Fromage blanc allégé140 g100 g
Café sans sucre24 cl36 cl
Couscous au poulet21 ½
Semoule100 g75 g
Cuisse de poulet, sans peau200 g150 g
Pois chiches50 g45 g
Tomate80 g120 g
Épice, piments rouges, ail, sel, poivreSelon votre goût
Huile d'olive14 ml10 ml
Navets/rabioles80 g65 g
Carottes100 g75 g
Courgettes100 g90 g
Poivrons jaunes ou rouges100 g75 g
Fromage blanc allégé140 g100 g
Café sans sucre48 cl36 cl
Substitut de repas2 mesures1 mesure
Environ 250-300 calories et 35-42 g de protéines par ration.
Soupe de lentilles rouges170 g142 g
Lentilles55 g45 g
Huile de canola8 ml6 ml
Oignons45 g35 g
Épice, piments rouges, ail, sel, poivreSelon votre goût
Gingembre frais, curcuma, cumin en poudreSelon votre goût
Bouillon de poulet, faible en sel300 ml250 ml
Citron pressé en jus3 c. à café1 c. à soupe
Pain / galette180 g150 g
Fromage blanc allégé140 g100 g
EXEMPLE JOUR 3Plan à 4000 kcal
masse volumineuse
Plan à 2400 kcal
masse sèche
Petit Déjeuner
Baghrir21 ½
Semoule fine300 g225 g
Lait demi-écrémé270 ml225 ml
Blanc œuf1 gros1 gros
Levure de bière4 g3 g
Sachet levure chimique1½
Sel3 cuillères à café1 cuillère à café ½
Café sans sucre48 cl36 cl
Café sans sucre48 cl36 cl
Salade d'oranges à la menthe
Menthe fraîche10 feuilles9 feuilles
Raisins secs3 cuillères à café1 cuillères à café
Oranges2 petites1 grande
Amandes3 cuillères à café1 cuillère à soupe
Cannelle en poudreSelon votre goût
Mkaffet aux pommes de terre21 ½
Pomme de terre180 g150 g
Tomate2 petites1 grande
Persil, cannelle, sel, poivreSelon votre goût
Viande hachée maigre180 g150 g
Café sans sucre48 cl36 cl
Substitut de repas2 mesures2 mesures
Environ 250-300 calories et 35-42 g de protéines par ration.
Salade de pois chiches et tomates21 ½
Oignons rouges40 g30 g
Citron pressé en jus1 citron½ citron
Piment, cumin en poudre, sel, poivreSelon votre goût
Pois chiches (en conserve)60 g45 g
Menthe fraîche6 feuilles6 feuilles
Brick au thon au four21 ½
Feuilles de brick43
Pomme de terre200 g150 g
Thon en boite sans huile175 g net égoutté140 g net égoutté
Persil, sel, poivreSelon votre goût
Blanc œuf2 moyens1 gros
Échalote21 ½
Fromage blanc allégé140 g100 g

These programs are just a few examples. By following the basic food concepts established at the beginning, you can create your own program adapted to your purposes and your tastes.

The important thing is to understand the essential place that food occupies in the success of its cycle.


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