Being an androgenic steroid hormone, testosterone is secreted naturally by the testes and in small amounts by the adrenal glands.
It constitutes the main male sex hormone, as well as the “original” anabolic steroid.
It plays a key role in health, well-being, sexual functioning and the production of blood cells, among other factors.
Reviews, cycle and effects of testosterone
Testosterone is a derivative of cholesterol. It is transported to the tissues by blood, linked to a specific plasma transport protein, the Sex Hormone Binding globulin (SHBG).
Sleep contributes to the regeneration of testosterone. Lack of sleep will also have consequences.
Which probably explains the fact that peaks of testosterone levels in blood happen early in the morning .
Welcome to
Find feedback , positive effects (with the photo gallery of how users were before and after) and side effects of testosterone (androgenic effects, gynecomastia).
If in doubt, do not hesitate to ask me for an advice for your personalized testosterone cycle. In the program: Testosterone intake and recommended protection (such as anti-oestrogens, liver protection, Legalon, Samarin, Nolvadex, Proviron, HCG Vitagon …), post-cycle therapy, the basic concepts of nutrition, stacks of testosterone.
What testosterone to buy?
Where to buy testosterone?
In you will find all the advices and opinions to buy testosterone safely, as well as the tests and recommendations of online sales sites .
Indeed, many sites are real scams from which you’ll get only ineffective products, with insufficient or even impure doses. Or you will simply never receive your order!
Like many people before you and with the advice of, purchase genuine products, follow the appropriate training program and do not wait any longer to make a change of life!